On Mon, Nov 29, 1999 at 09:55:43PM +0100, Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:
> However, I decided to import the latex file i\'m currently working on
> and , it doesn\'t work. Its due to a problem with Revtex macros.
> I used the osa.sty style files given by the society which runs with 
> revtex 3.1. So i\'ve put osa.sty revtex.sty and revtex.cls in thousands
> of directories.... and every times the result of any View Dvi action
> in Lyx result in osa.sty not found. I don\'t know how to tell lyx
> where it is (i\'ve also change the chkconfig.ltx and run configure with
> the result osa.sty recognized)
> Lyx seems interesting for future documents but now I\'m sticked .
> ------- End of forwarded message -------

The problem is that when LyX makes its temporary LaTeX file, it puts it in a
temporary directory like /tmp/lyx_213852 or something. Which doesn't have
the .sty files in it.  Wouldn't the solution here be to fix TEXINPUTS and
put the style/class files in the right place? Could someone who's better at
TeX than me explain this?

By the way, revtex4 has been in betatesting for a couple months now. It will
probably work better with LyX for new files, although it won't help for old
files. (http://publish.aps.org/revtex4/)

-Amir Karger

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