Hello unknown!

> <OffTopic>
> As someone who is in academics for most of his life I would strongly discourage
> you from interrupting your theis. I dont know you personally but I do not think
> you should interrupt because I have reason to suspect that  you never will
> restart. You get the chance to get a Ph-D. once in your life, once you get older
> it wont come back. Believe me, I know many people that utterly regret the step of
> interrupting.
> If you have lost all interest in the subject of your thesis you must go and talk
> to your advisor about this. That's what he is there for. Talk to people about this
> step, do not just simply let it creep up on you.
> What do you want to do in life? What did you want to do when you started the
> thesis? What happend that changed your mind.
> The germans have a saying: It is better to end with fear than to fear without end.
> So end this thesis if you can. Then checkout SourceForge whether you can get payed
> for LyX work. I would assume that with appropriate advertisement you could find
> someone to sponsor you for a year, but running your own show  isnt easy either.
> If otoh you are kind of overly tempted to work on LyX I propose the following.
> Use a computer that is not connected to the network, doesnt have email, no
> webbrowser no modem fro your main work.
> No excuses allowed - this has worked ten years ago it will work now.
> Remove the LyX source code from it, better remove the compiler from it. Focus on
> your work, do this for at first
> four to siz hours a day - then treat yourself to something fun.
> Read your email - hack LyX - fine. But limit your time. Never spent more time on
> LyX then on your thesis.
> It is not worth it.
> <OffTopic/>

I don't know who wrote this email, but as much I would like to have you
work on GUI-independence I have to agree completely with this "OffTopic"!!!

Go and finish your PhD! (and spend some of the free time hacking LyX)

Greets Jürgen


Dr. Jürgen Vigna                      E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Italienallee 13/N                     Tel:    +39-0471-450260
I-39100 Bozen                         Fax:    +39-0471-450296
ITALY                                 Web:    http://www.sad.it/~jug

Q:      What happens when four WASPs find themselves in the same room?
A:      A dinner party.


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