... which may cause problems if I also have a file name A.C.lyx


  is that a bug? Could it have to do with the following code at

string ChangeExtension(string const & oldname, string const & extension, 
                        bool no_path) 
        string::size_type last_slash = oldname.rfind('/');
        string::size_type last_dot;

        if (last_slash != string::npos)
                last_dot = oldname.find('.', last_slash);
                // Note : I checked that changing this line to 
                // last_dot = oldname.rfind('.');
                // make the exported file be "A.B.ps". But that may
                // break some other things ... Sorry, I do not know
                // the behavior of rfind() and find() when nothing is
                // found, so I cannot fix the problem for sure.
                last_dot = oldname.rfind('.');

        string ext;
        // Make sure the extension starts with a dot
        if (!extension.empty() && extension[0] != '.')
                ext= '.' + extension;
                ext = extension;
        string ret_str;
        if (no_path && last_slash != string::npos) {
                ++last_slash; // step it
                ret_str = oldname.substr(last_slash,
                                         last_dot - last_slash) + ext;
        } else
                ret_str = oldname.substr(0, last_dot) + ext;
        return CleanupPath(ret_str);



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