> You argue that debugging is important.  Three words: Debugging is boring.

I know. But sometimes necessary. Not that I try to code poorly just to
have the fun of debugging ;-|
> If we use XTL, there will be less debugging than if we have to write
> our own parser.  Just take a look at any parser we have in LyX.  Every
> one of them is problematic, and has causes bugs.

True. But a lot of trouble can be saved by using things like yacc...

> If for nothing else,
> them simply because it actual is hard to keep a list sorted!

I don't understand you here. Which list do you mean?
> Now, maybe you can find a better encapsulation than what we currently
> have.  Good for you, but I already found the best encapsulation. It's
> called XTL.

Ok, I promise have a closer look at XTL. You seem rather convinced and
I've seen a few good ideas from you already ;-)

> > Tons of interfaces?
> All dialogs require an interface to the kernel to get the information
> that should go in the dialog.

Some dialogs just construct some sort of command that is send down to
the kernel. Those should of course use the interface... But since XTL
seems to be able to handle that, too, the problem is reduced to the question
which solution is easier. Until now I thought a string (or stream) interface
is at easy if it can possibly get. But maybe you are right and XTL is
truly easier.

> It is more difficult than using XTL.
> It is less secure than XTL.
> It is less sexy than XTL.

> Have a look at XTL. Let me wing you an example.  I can make it more
> complex if you want to, but maybe you would not understand what we
> are talking about:
> struct Foo {
>       vector<int> data1;
>       list<pair<int, char> > data2;
>       string data3;
>       template<X>
>       void simple(X x) {
>               X.simple(data1).simple(data2).simple(data3);
>       }
> };
> There you have all your externalization code, both for input and output.
> You can't beat that, now can you?

No. If it is realy *that* easy it looks like a viable solution.
> If you think so, you must be drunk.  Come to Norway and I'll buy you a beer.

You mean drinking Norwegian beer makes me less drunk? I knew that this
stuff was expensive, but I did not know that they don't even have
alcohol in it. Poor Lars ;-)


André Pönitz ......................... [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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