On Thu, Nov 02, 2006 at 04:57:09PM +0100, Abdelrazak Younes wrote:
> Martin Vermeer wrote:
> >On Thu, 2006-11-02 at 10:45 +0100, Abdelrazak Younes wrote:
> >>Martin Vermeer wrote:
> >>>Note that the job will be easier if stale caches are not covered up by
> >>>the current overzealous full-screen refresh behaviour. I suggest getting
> >>>rid of that first. 
> >>The full refresh thing is due to the cursor bug. I will work on it as 
> >>soon as I find some free time.
> >>
> >>Abdel.
> >
> >Are you sure? That would be great.
> Yes I'm sure. The attached patch fixes the full screen refresh on cursor 
> blinking.

Confirmed, thanks. I suppose this will already help Bennett.
> Unfortunately, there are some bad side effects. As I explained earlier, 
> there is no backing pixmap any more as we draw directly on screen. This 
> is the reason why I need to back-up the cursor area in order to restore 
> it when the cursor is hidden (this is not yet working with this patch). 
> Because of this also, when the widget loose the focus, the screen is not 
> redrawn any more. This can be taken care of by caching the screen estate 
> when we catch a "Focus Out" event. But at this point there is too much 
> work to turn around the refresh problem. So the only pragmatic solution 
> is to restore the backing pixmap.
> Abdel.

Hmmm. I see still that the whole screen is refreshed even for a character 
insert.  I
also notice that when I comment out the updateMetrics(false) call in 
this whole-screen refresh doesn't happen any more, which is good. But... the
non-redrawn areas of the screen are blanked out. Are you saying this is due to 
backing pixmap issue? Just trying to understand...

- Martin

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