Helge Hafting wrote:
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
"Abdelrazak" == Abdelrazak Younes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Abdelrazak> This is really, really _wrong_, a paragraph should not
Abdelrazak> have any notion of rows. By modifying the geometry of the
Abdelrazak> windows (the BufferView) you also modify the model (the
Abdelrazak> Buffer) because the rows() information is not valid any
Abdelrazak> more.

So the rows should be moved to coordcache, right?

Abdelrazak> Georg is right, the LyX core is not ready for
Abdelrazak> Multiple-view. There's too much that needs to be
Abdelrazak> re-designed. So either someone steps up and cleanup that
Abdelrazak> mess by putting the rows calculation outside of the Buffer
Abdelrazak> or we disable the multi-windows feature.

Disabling multi-window is not very funny, but it might be the best
solution indeed.
Well, ability to split the window into a upper and lower part
also does the trick - if the requirement for now is that
same-width must be maintained.

This solution requires the multiple work area support which we don't have yet.

Another idea: When you resize the width of one window, all
multiple views are forcibly resized to the same width.
This also works around the same-width limitation, and takes
away the need to change anything else.

Yes this last solution would be the best compromise for now as it is relatively easy to implement.


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