Hi folks.

First up obligatory "great work people keep it up love ya editor et cetera
et cetera et cetera" ... but seriously Matt sez "LyX RoX".

Now to business. I'm using 1.1.4fix3 here.
It seems to me (and of course I could be entirely wrong) that LyX has a
habit of caching figure renderings, but then doesn't do anything at all to
check the validity of those renderings as the document evolves.

The situation I found myself in was one where I had made a diagram in
Xfig and imported it as an EPS figure into my LyX document. I then made a
minor change to the original diagram, redid the EPS out of Xfig, and found
that the figure as rendered by LyX did not reflect the changes I had made.
I tried all kinds of things, such as opening up the figure pop-up for the
diagram and "re-browsing" the file, even closing and reopening the
entire document, all to no avail. Finally in desperation I tried to resize
the figure (i.e. gave a new "percentage of page" size) and Ah lo and
behold, an updated rendering with the changes I made. Now return the figure
size to its original size value and Oh dear, look at that, back to the old
invalid rendering.

Now I can't speak for the rest of the universe, but personally I think it's
bloody ridiculous to blindly use a cached rendering without the vaguest
attempt to ensure the cached rendering is coherent with the original

Now, I appreciate that one can't expect files to be continually examined
for modification. But I'd rather spend the effort of unecessarily
re-rendering a figure every time the slightest change was made to it's
(internal to LyX) properties then enjoy the benefits of an incoherent

Ok, I've had my rant.
And don't get me wrong ... I think LyX kicks arse despite this ... :)
Oh yes, and apologies if I'm dragging people over tired ground here.

 Matt Lowry      ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] )
In October 1998 three Linux developers disappeared
  into the woods near Redmond, Washington in an
       attempt to compile their kernels.
    A year later their source code was found.

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