On Fri, May 12, 2000 at 05:57:12PM +0200, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

> There are some rambling about this in the fancyhdr documentation. In
> the meantime, I asked on compt.text.tex.

I saw the following response in comp.text.tex.
The suggested tex macros indeed work (note that it defines speaker as a
command, whereas hollywood.cls defines it as an environment, but the former
does makes more sense).
The only problem is that it doesn't prohibits breaking of sentences in a
dialogue, though it discourage that.

Subject: Re: Continuation marks (cont'd)
Date:    05/12/2000
Author:  Donald Arseneau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jean-Marc Lasgouttes) writes:

> There is a LaTeX class (hollywood.cls) bundled with LyX which is
> designed to write hollywood scripts. While it is good, it comes with the
> following disclaimer:
>  Always preview the script to find where to insert page breaks. Speakers'
>  lines should NEVER break in mid-sentence. If a speaker's lines continue
>  over a page break, repeat the Speaker title followed by (Cont'd).

You call this "good"?  I can't imagine writing a document
class that did not perform such a fundamental action.

> LaTeX/LyX. While not breaking at mid-sentence may be difficult (is it
> possible?),

With great difficulty, but I have never seen such a rule.
Just that each speech by a speaker should stay together,
but if it *must* be broken, then it should have a
continuation title.

The whole document should be in typewriter.

Fancyhdr.sty provides continuation titles.

Without fancyhdr, here is something I made a long time
ago.  Don't know if it really works now.

% Repeated in-text headings; shown here for speakers in a

    {-.5ex \@plus -.2ex \@minus -.2ex}%
    {1\p@ \@plus 1\p@ \@minus1\p@}%
\newcounter{speaker}% not used

\def\ps@speakers{% based on "plain" page style

    \let\chaptermark\@gobble \let\sectionmark\@gobble


    \centerline{\normalfont\normalsize \leftmark
~(\continuedname)}%     \kern-\prevdepth\kern\@tempdima
    \vskip 1\p@ \@plus\p@ \@minus\p@

\def\continuedname{continued}% allow multilingual

\advance\topskip 0pt plus 6pt
\interlinepenalty 300

Donald Arseneau                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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