Bo Peng wrote:
>> As the C++ FAQ states, there is no reason to change extension when it
>> already works.
> It is not a matter of life or death and all problems caused by the .C
> extension have been taken care of. HOWEVER, this file extension change
> has been discussed and agreed upon several times so let us just do it
> to avoid future discussions.

Yesterday I got a trunk svn checkout up and running after modifying
po/ (thanks for the hint Bo). Today I did a refresh and now I
cannot compile lyx anymore (after running and configure):

make[4]: Entering directory `/home/witt/Source/LyX/lyx-1.5.0/src/mathed'
make[4]: *** Keine Regel vorhanden, um das Target
  benötigt von »InsetMathAMSArray.lo«, zu erstellen.  Schluss.
make[4]: Leaving directory `/home/witt/Source/LyX/lyx-1.5.0/src/mathed'

Has anybody something forgotten or is it me who did something wrong?


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