>> > I *think* the way to do this is:
>> >
>> > string const paramStr = InsetIncludeMailer::params2string(params_);
>> > params_.read(paramStr);
>> >
>> > Abdel...is this right, more or less?
> Sorry that I am slow due to lack of sleep. How can I *set* option in
> this way? You basically convert params_ back and forth to string.

It's not converting it back to a string. Rather, read() takes a string like:
  name param1 value1 param2 value2 \\end_inset
and sets name_ to name and param1 to value1, etc.

But I think it can be left as it is for the moment. If I get around to
sorting all of this out, I'll sort your use out, too. It's all part of the
same issue with how InsetInclude works right now.


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