Richard Heck wrote:
Abdelrazak Younes wrote:
Richard Heck wrote:
Not OK from me for 3756. I prefer to have the "double-click" bug
provided that I still have the "Enter" feature. Maybe it is possible
to distinguish between the two action though...
I'll have a look at this. The behavior you describe makes sense. It
ought to be possible to implement on_doubleclick() and use an
on_keypress for the other one. Or something like that.
I can do this, but it seems weird. I'd like to have some simple keyboard
action that would ALWAYS just enter the citation into the Selected box
and another one that would ALWAYS enter it and then hit OK. So what
about this: We make Enter just enter the citation, and Ctrl-Enter enter
and close?

That would be fine with me.

Or vice versa, if you prefer, though that version seems more
intuitive, since then Ctrl-Enter "does more".



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