Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
"Abdelrazak" == Abdelrazak Younes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Abdelrazak> As I said and using Alfredo's words, I was well aware of
Abdelrazak> this side-effect and I already accepted it. It would be
Abdelrazak> nice to properly track the cursor location but personally
Abdelrazak> I can live with current behaviour becuase the benefits of
Abdelrazak> Multipleview are really worth it.

A typical use of multiple view: you want to cut some parts of a
document and paste them at another place of the same document. Having
the cursor move is not very nice.

I agree but I have no time to fix that right now. Nevertheless, if someone is interested, I think it should be very easy to fix: when losing the focus, the current LyXView should tell the BufferView to save the current cursor location as a bookmark. When a LyXView get the focus, it should tell the BufferView to revert the position to the last saved bookmark. Something like that.

I think that the announcement should say that there are some
shortcoming in the current implementation.


And yes, multiple views is a great feature to have


PS: when I open a window with File>New window, it does not pick the
correct size from session handling.

Session mangaement does not handle multiple views at all. I think the size of the new window is the default window size. It should be possible I guess to resize that either to the size of the current window or to the one contained in the section handling.


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