On Wed, May 30, 2007 at 01:39:58PM +0200, Helge Hafting wrote:
> While testing scrolling, I noticed that moving the cursor around seems to
> be rather heavy work.
> Moving the cursor sideways on a line is snappy, but this movement
> takes 33% of the cpu according to top.
> Moving the cursor up/down seems sluggish compared to sideways
> movement, and LyX spend 61% of the cpu on doing this. This is
> according to "top", on a load meter it looks more like 90%.
> This is just moving the cursorm around.  Nothing is changed,
> and no scrolling either. Only the cursor itself is moved.
> This on a 2.4GHz pentium, with --disable-stdlib-debug
> Is this a known problem, with a planned fix?
> It cannot possibly be necessary, and of course other software
> don't do this. Thunderbird needs 6% of the cpu to do the same.

There's a difference between displaying more or less static text
and having the same text with wildly variying objects in an 
editable state. But you are right, scrolling is still too expensive.


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