This problem appeared on the user list.  I can confirm
that the problem is the same with a Norwegian keyboard.
This is a regression.

-------- Original Message from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hi everyone,

This new version sure is really nice! I only have a little discomfort regarding key strokes. With 1.4 when I was in text mode and, for instance, typed <Alt><m><[> a math inset would automatically open with a full pair of brakets, the same for greek letters and so forth with all math symbols. With the new version I don't know how to do the same. When I try as before to insert directly greek letters then nothing happens (except a "Command disabled" message in the status bar). I need first to create an inset. That's annoying. But worse still is that when I'm within a math inset and type <Alt><m><[> I only end up with a single braket... I guess the reason is that to enter a "[" I need to type <AltGr><5> and the program first processes <AltGr>, not coinsidering the two strokes as a single character. I was wondering if this were a new feature, and if so how I could tune it, or if I need to put some config file somewhere in the bindings, or if I did something wrong... though I felt I only compiled it and installed it and did nothing more unwise! I am willing to submit any necessary file if that helps, but I wouldn't know which.

    thank you for any answer, and  for this nice piece of soft!

Loïc Teyssier

LyX 1.5rc1
Qt-4.2.1 and Qt-3.3.7
Debian Linux (etch)
P6 (Intel Core2)
French keyboard

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