Thomas Schmidt wrote:
Hello I'm new to this list and hope i subscribed correctly to read the
answers to my proposal.
We shall see.
I'm a LyX user for one year now and think that LyX is the best way to write
Documents with LaTeX/MikTeX.

Beside all the good functions that LyX have, i miss one little function
which can be really usefull at the daily working. I think you all know
several Programming IDE's like VS, Sharpdevelop, Eclipse and so one. There
you can expand or collapse function blocks by clicking on a small
plus-minus-symbol left to the block. It is possible to implement such a
function to expand or collapse chapters in the lyx-writing view?
Possible, sure. Then again, if you use the Document>Outline, you may be able to accomplish a lot of what you would get from this kind of folding, so I'm not sure who, if anyone, will be inspired to do this, and it won't happen any time soon, as we're at feature freeze for 1.5.0. The best thing to do at this point is to file an enhancement bug at


Richard G Heck, Jr
Professor of Philosophy
Brown University
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