Some small questions:
Why don't you like comments?

? Be more specific. OTOH, I would have like some comment of yours when I
asked for them a week ago... ;-)

Sorry, meant something like two lines describing what the big loop is doing. Not the comments here :)

Why do you need this complicated logic to set the inset to 0 in many
cases. Won't that end the loop anyway in the next round?

Yes, but cutting off the DocIterator.

And, if the inset = 0 it's a broken cursor in any way, no? So take a
wrong idx, hence  inset=0. In the next loop with inset()==inset will
not cut if off. I think it's wrong.

Oh yes I forgot (too much time passed). This patch is intended to work
*without* the signaling mechanism. So we should have no slice with inset ==
0. So if the patch is to be applied without removing/deactivating the
signaling mechanism, this slightly different version should do it, agreed?

I guess yes. Compiling right now. If it does, that would be great. Signals in those CursorSlices, always feel in a strange way when thinking about it :)


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