Le 8 juin 07 à 10:28, Mael Hilléreau a écrit :

What is the status of this patch?

What do you mean by "status" exactly? I don't know if it was tested by others than me. But to be integrated, it is clear that the code needs more testing, and then some #ifdefs in order to be applied only to Mac OS.

Well, of course, we need to find a consensus on how updates should be done... At the end, will we use a timestamp alone or in conjunction with CRC?

IMHO, the timestamp is sufficient and I didn't encounter inconsistencies while using the existing patch (in which the CRC isn't used for directories).

In contrast, you (Andre and Jean-Marc) think a Timestap+CRC would be better. Andre said that some problems could arise when saving a file more than one time within a second. For my part, I think that this situation won't arise when dealing with external graphics. Perhaps you had a more general point of view and thought about other conversions such as in math previews, or anything else... But as I'm new to LyX sources, I don't know much about how the preview mechanism is led.

I think we really need to clarify how an update should be triggered. We could start by describing the problem as follows:

* Approach: Timestamp (i), Timestamp+CRC (ii)
* Contents changed? Yes (1), no (2)
* Timestamp changed? Yes (a), no (b)

All possible situations are:

* 1a: this case leads to an update in (i) and (ii). If we use (i) the test is cheaper; * 1b: this situation is inconsistent: the editor updated the contents but not the timestamp of the directory, or it updated the timestamp but didn't change it (less than 1 sec interval). If we use (i) this situation cannot be detected whereas it can if we use (ii); * 2a: this situation is inconsistent: the user updated the file without changing its contents. It cannot be reached if situation 1b can (excluding the 1 sec problem), and conversely. If we use (ii) the test is cheaper assuming that the conversion process is more expensive than the CRC; * 2b: no modification is made in both (i) and (ii). If we use (i), the test is cheaper.

Recall: IMO 1a and 2b are the most frequently, 2a is rare and 1b never occurs when dealing with external graphics. That's why I would pitch on approach (i).

The questions are mainly: should we consider that situation 1b can arise or not? And is it worthwhile to save time in 2a if we loose time in 1a and 2b? Could anyone give us more information/suggestions/ point of views about this?

Finally, what kind of #ifdef should be used: Should we select Mac OS only, or should we create some variable for OSes providing graphics as directories (e.g. #ifdef HAVE_GRAPHICS_DIR)?


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