Richard Heck wrote:
Bo Peng wrote:
The way to solve this might be to put some appropriate code into

I do not think it is a good idea to update Toc during editing, because
simple add/remove of sections, change of environment will break Toc,
so it is close to impossible to consider all cases and update Toc.
Yes, you are absolutely right. It's too bad, really. I think Abdel was right to want it to update automatically, but there are too many cases.

Wait, when you modify a section text, only the corresponding TocItem is updated, not the full TocBackend (Have a look at TocBackend::updateItem()). The item updating is done only for sections, not for captions because of the limitation of the Inset::addToToc() method. I see that you changed that now so we can synchronize the view and the TocBackend for captions and listings too in a very cheap way now.

I don't have the time to read all the messages since last week but if you decided to deleted these update calls please give me a summary of the discussion.


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