Andreas Neustifter wrote: 
> I yesterday finally had the time to compile the latest SVN version and 
> give it a try, unfortunately I had a problem with the math toolbars:
> After firing LyX up and turning on the math panel all the pop-up windows 
> (to select Greek letters for example or to select AMS symbols) are 
> empty. It seems that all pop-ups (don't know the proper lyx name for 
> it...) with latex symbols in that have the problem.
> Setup:
> Mac OS X, all patches
> Qt 4.3.0 (self compiled)
> LyX (rev 18814)

i cannot reproduce this because i am not on a mac (things work fine on linux 
and windows), and can only guess: a problem with your installation? missing 

perhaps some other mac people on the list can have a look?

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