Le 26 juin 07 à 17:15, Richard Heck a écrit :

Mael Hilléreau wrote:
I have a feature request: Would it be possible to perform output generation in a different thread so that LyX wouldn't freeze while compiling? This would be particularly appreciated with big documents which take a long time to come up.

May I file an enhancement at bugzilla? (I didn't find any dealing with this)
Of course.

Done: #3928.

This is not difficult to do, in a way, and it should perhaps be configurable via a preference. The "threads" are provided by the OS: On Linux, it just means running the system command with "&". The downside is that, as the code is currently configured, you don't get the error messages, since the command is launched and then we go on to whatever else we are doing: There's no "it's done" signal....

You might even be able to hack your way to this by defining the converter using "&". It'd be worth trying.

I didn't try yet, but it is not satisfactory due to no error handling. As I mentioned in the bug report, a C++ thread would be a better solution since we could then handle errors. But I don't know much about how compilation is carried out internally, so there could be some issues I'm not aware of.


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