>>>>> "Tommaso" == Tommaso Cucinotta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Tommaso> Jean-Marc Lasgouttes ha scritto:
>> Except if this serialization can be merged with the writing of the
>> xml parameters once we switch to that. In this case, the thing
>> would make more sense (and allow to define bindings to tune
>> individual parameters).
Tommaso> Is it possible to have brief description of what is this
Tommaso> "writing of XML params" (or just a pointer to archived mail
Tommaso> or wiki page, if any) ?

Basically, the main stated plan for the 1.6 branch is switching our
file format to some correctly formed xml. There is already some
proof-of-concept code to do that in a branch. This will force us to
have a more unified way to access the parameters, and I was arguing
that we could _maybe_ leverage this for dialog/kernel interaction.

Since we are not very organised people, there is no wiki to see. You
can try to search for XML in the archives or look at this branch:

However, I relaize now that this will probably not be very useful for
dialogs like search/replace which are not related to the file format.


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