On Wednesday 11 July 2007 14:31:40 Philippe Charpentier wrote:
> José Abilio à écrit:
> >> >   lyx2lyx converts those documents coming from 1.3.x or before. Isn't
> >> > that working?
> >>
> >> When I open some old files I obtain the following error:
> >
> >How old are those files? What is the file format number for those files?
> The format number of the file I tested is 221 and it was created in 2003 (I
> think)
> PhC

That makes sense.

Would it be possible to send me privately one of those files? It seems that 
the filter responsible for the convertion is failling and I would like to 
understand why.

In this case it would be enough to study the header section (the part of the 
file before the real text comes)...

José Abílio

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