Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
José Matos wrote:
Since the code deals with retroversion I will place the code in svn and
then ask people to test it. This code had a lot of testing so I think it is
near public consumption. :-)

Things are much better now. We have only one issue left with (some) combining characters. I think it is easy to fix and should probably be done, because it can result in dataloss (without the "???"-indicators), see
for some further comments.

Furthermore, it would be good if the remaining issue with OHM in bug 3313 could be fixed by implementing the wrapper idea Georg proposed here:

Apart from that, lyx2lyx is ready AFAICS.


I'm not able to revert *anything* to 1.4 or 1.3 at the moment, I think there must be a typo or something somewhere in lyx2lyx?

Even an *empty* document (English language, any encoding) generates the following error:

Warning: An error ocurred in 248, <function revert_unicode at 0xb7d176f4>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/dovf/lyx-devel/lib/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx", line 101, in ?
  File "/home/dovf/lyx-devel/lib/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx", line 94, in main
  File "/home/dovf/lyx-devel/lib/lyx2lyx/LyX.py", line 415, in convert
File "/home/dovf/lyx-devel/lib/lyx2lyx/lyx_1_5.py", line 1900, in revert_unicode
    [body_string, apa] = body_string.rsplit('\n',1)
AttributeError: 'unicode' object has no attribute 'rsplit'
Error: Cannot convert file
An error occurred whilst running python -tt '/home/dovf/lyx-devel/lib/lyx2lyx/lyx2l

I'm working with r19120 from svn, no changes to any of the lyx2lyx files in my tree, python version:

Python 2.3.5 (#2, Jul 30 2006, 15:57:01)
[GCC 4.1.2 20060715 (prerelease) (Debian 4.1.1-9)]

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