> Bo --- your idea is interesting, I hadn't even considered such an
> option...

I discarded the scanning idea without a second thought because
scanning through a document can be tedious. The index database method,
if implemented correctly, has the potential to provide instant word
completion suggestions.

I have something like a class WordMagic in mind, it accepts partial
word at every keystroke, and complete word when a word is finished. It
then does some internal magic and return a). spell hint, b) completion
hint (suggestion), c) replacement hint (user defined abbreviation is
defined), and maybe others. This class will keep track of user-defined
abbreviation list, index of entered words, and is a black box to lyx

The lyx kernel simply sends words to this black box, and gets
suggestions. Auto-completion, instant spell-checking etc can be
implemented independent of this class. Then, we will have plenty of
time to improve WordMagic and make it more predictable and efficient.
I have not read the shortcuts code, but it may be possible to add
shortcuts to this framework as well.


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