Infact, a few weeks ago, I was told LyX were using unnamed
namespaces instead of statics, so I've got to the usual
TIC++vone.pdf, where it says:

"If you put local names in an unnamed namespace, you don’t
need to give them internal linkage by making them static.
C++ deprecates the use of file statics in favor of the unnamed

This didn't actually satisfy me, so a further google/search provided
the following:

[...] the new C++ Standard reads in section Unnamed Spaces, paragraph 2: "The use of the static keyword is deprecated when declaring objects in a namespace scope, the unnamed namespace provides a superior alternative."

And also:

[...] Article of the C++ standard says: "[a]lthough entities in an unnamed namespace might have external linkage, they are effectively qualified by a name unique to their translation unit and therefore can never be seen from any other translation unit."

And the discussion at
also highlights the external linkage of (identifier declared within) unnamed
namespaces, claiming it could be useful for merging template instanciations
by the linker.

Other discussions on the Internet also highlight that:
-) compiled objects with unnamed namespaces do have space-overhead w.r.t. statics. -) there is no reason for which the compiler cannot optimize the use of those
identifiers, but...
-) the compiler will have to keep a copy of the functions in the object files, as
they actually have external linkage.

From what I've read, the standard deprecates statics, so there seems to be
no choice, although some people have doubts on the meaning of the "deprecate" verb within the standard itself !?! However, as long as statics are supported
by compilers, they would seem to be actually better as long as no templates
are involved.

Also, another interesting contribution from:

"Readers have asked me several times why the C++ standards committee frowned at namespace scope static declarations. The first problem was didactic. The keyword static was already overloaded in C; C++ added to this confusion the concept of static data members and static member functions. The committee felt that static was becoming a Swiss army knife: a single keyword that does too many different things.

Another problem was more subtle. Not all implementations truly support internal linkage. Therefore, the "internal-linkage" promise couldn't be fulfilled in certain environments; hackers familiar with the inner-workings of such implementations could access allegedly-invisible functions and data declared in other translation units. An unnamed namespace, of course, doesn't cure broken linkers; however, it is more honest about its capabilities.

Article of the C++ standard says: "[a]lthough entities in an unnamed namespace might have external linkage, they are effectively qualified by a name unique to their translation unit and therefore can never be seen from any other translation unit." Put differently, an unnamed namespace restricts the visibility of its members to the scope of the translation unit by means of name mangling; it doesn't necessarily guarantee internal linkage, though.

Do these arguments sound convincing? In the next installment I will show that standard C++ itself forces programmers to violate this normative recommendation in one case. Additionally, I will discuss the initialization phases of non-POD objects with static storage type, as well as static class members."



Tommaso Cucinotta, Computer Engineering PhD, Researcher
ReTiS Lab, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, Italy
Tel +39 050 882 024, Fax +39 050 882 003

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