Roberto Franceschini ha scritto:
Can make LyX work with TEX files as native document format?
You may easily write, as I did, a script that converts a .tex
file to the LyX format into a temporary folder, opens it with
LyX, and, once you close the program, exports it back to
.tex overwriting your original source (I can send it to you;
my script also converts some stuff that my collegues have
a habit to use into equivalent stuff that LyX understands
and displays correctly -- it also used to expand the infinite
set of unneeded macros that my collegues used to use).

It would just be a few lines of code to allow LyX to do this
automatically behind the scenes, and warning you of the
information loss risk when you save back in .tex, suggesting
to use the native .lyx format instead.

The problem is that, at the moment, there is a lot of stuff
that gets changed or lost in the loop, probably the first one
being the original .tex indentation, what is likely to confuse
your co-editors.
some of my collaborators don't want to use LyX and prefer to use a
text editor and write the TEX directy.
Then, all you have to do is write your own sections in LyX
and edit/review their sections with import/edit/export loops.

I wrote in the past a Makefile that allowed mixed Lyx/LaTeX
editing, with the ability to export from LyX a .tex that may
be directly included into other .tex files (simply extracting
whatever comes between \begin{document} and
\end{document}. So I was free to edit my sections with LyX.
I hope you can do something.
Probably *you* can do something as well. I'm fighting every day
to persuade my co-authors to use LyX, and the past program
instabilities/bugs/problems didn't help at all in this direction.
Now, probably LyX starts being enough robust to be used
effectively. It's time for people to notice this and stop burdening
themselves with spending hours to fix LaTeX errors because
you forgot a '\' before a '_', or because you accidentally deleted
an extra parenthesis, or wasting time searching for that math
symbol that is just immediately choosable and clickable from
the LyX Math Toolbar.


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