On Wed, 2007-09-19 at 11:26 +0200, Abdelrazak Younes wrote:
> Darren Freeman wrote:
> > On Wed, 2007-09-19 at 17:58 +1000, Darren Freeman wrote:
> >> I'm now going to test the patched version to see if the slowness comes
> >> back at all.
> > 
> > Okay it came back fairly soon but I can't always clear it by resizing
> > the window.. why, oh why?
> The phase of the moon.

More seriously.. :)

One thing that has nagged at me for a little while, is could it be

I have 3 or 4 major apps each using >1/3 of the physical memory (1 GB).
What if some of the memory used by LyX gets swapped out due to disuse,
and the act of resizing triggers LyX/Qt to inspect much of this and so
the pages get swapped in?

It could possibly explain why LyX gets slower and slower except I don't
see why pages should get swapped out of an app that's being actively
used. Unless something else is misbehaving. (I blame Firefox which idles
at 10% CPU when no part of it is being displayed.) Also, I don't notice
the usual pause and disc activity that would indicate swapping when LyX
is in use.

The fact that I can scroll over the same page of text again and again
and see that it is too slow would hopefully rule out a swap issue. When
I have zero swap in use, I'll verify the problem is still as described.

Have fun,

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