On 21/09/2007, at 6:26 PM, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

A shot in the dark: this problem typically looks like having part of
the code forget to use #include <config.h>. When this happens and
stdlib-debug is on, the mamory layout of std::string (for example) is
not the same in different parts of LyX code.

So, why is this related to pch.h? Perhaps because the first time where
pch.h is used/created, <config.h> has not been loaded and the wrong
options are used.

I note that boost/libs/regex/src/pch.h is the only pch file that does not
load any boost header, and thus no boost/config.hpp.

Roger, does adding #include <boost/config.hpp> at the top of this file help?


Excellent "shot in the dark".
Adding #include <boost/config.hpp> at the top of the original regex/ src/pch.h file fixes the problem.


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