Alfredo Braunstein wrote:

I agree with Christian's objections/comments in general.

What would be the problem of having normal labels automatically
inserted by LyX when one refers to a section etc in an appropriately
enhanced insert->cross-reference dialog?

In this way, 1) one doesn't have to insert them manually 2) LyX comes
up with a good name 3) no artificial strange copy-paste semantics is
needed, they are just normal labels.

Additionally, a) an easy way to go to referers of a label and b)
missing label latex warnings being catch by the errorlist, would make
working with cross references much nicer.
Let me just add my agreement with this proposal. And if it's a problem, as I know it is in part, that labels get annoying to look at, surely it'd be possible to display the labels differently from how we now do, say, as little icons, and then you mouse over it and see what's in it, or you click on it and it changes form (like collapsable insets will), or whatever. So this looks to me like a great combination of all the proposals.


Richard G Heck, Jr
Professor of Philosophy
Brown University
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