On Wed, Oct 03, 2007 at 02:30:32PM +0200, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

> > This isn't about overlapping extents as I see it, it's about a natural
> > feel for the UI. In particular, if I click-drag at point A in this
> > diagram:
> >
> >       foo bar C foo bar A foo bar foo bar B
> >
> > and drag towards B, it will prove extremely annoying that my selection
> > changes to cover C too. "That's not what I asked for!"
> It happens for example in tabular inset when the selection changes to
> encompass several cells.
> > It's OK with today's insets because they're clearly separate chunks of
> > text.
> What would you advocate? Stay with ranges or try to make the insets
> feel reasonable?

My experience tells me that getting cursor handling (at least) right
would be very difficult with insets - such that we'll end up with a
half-finished version that sort of works OK by the next release.

However, my experience is now years old, maybe Abdel is right and the
core is in a much better state, so special-casing all the cursor
movement code can be done cleanly and easily.

Maybe we can even make selection be two "free-form" iterators and have
logic to do the right thing.


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