In the gather environment in LyX 1.5.x, as well as in earlier versions, everything is right-aligned, which both looks weird and is wrong as far as on-screen display is concerned. I had a quick look at the code
char InsetMathSplit::defaultColAlign(col_type col)
   if (name_ == "split")
       return 'l';
   if (name_ == "gathered")
       return 'c';
   if (name_ == "aligned")
       return (col & 1) ? 'l' : 'r';
   if (name_ == "alignedat")
       return (col & 1) ? 'l' : 'r';
   return 'l';
and it looks as if gather's are supposed to be centered, as in LaTeX. But I don't know anything about the mathed code, so I couldn't figure out what was going wrong.



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