On Tue, 5 Feb 2008, Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:

So the questions would then be:
* Can we upgrade the memory?

Yes. I have another box hat I don't use anymore (story about water cooling and leakage) with 1GB RAM that could be installed into Aussie.

Ah... always good with "extra" information, think I'll stay away from water cooling on my next machine then.

* What kind of RAM does it take?
* What kind of HDD could we add to it?


There is a mirror setup currently, but I don't trust it anymore.

I am not sure that we really need more disk, but the partitioning needs to change. And the disks are old, so they should be changed as well...

Size of disks from 'df -h' (only the large parts):

Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/md2                1G  313M  644M  33% /
/dev/md4               61G   25G   33G  44% /home
/dev/md1              9.7G  2.2G  7.0G  25% /usr
/dev/md3              2.0G  1.7G  265M  87% /var
                   ==  74G

So currently the disk(s) are roughly 2 x 74 GB with about (2x) 25GB free.

I checked on dustin.se, and we could get 2 x 80 GB for about 70 EUR. I'm sure we could get old HDDs donated to the project, but it's probably safer to get brand new HDDs instead. If the fund doesn't cover this, I'll donate the money. Normally I'd get larger disks when upgrading, but I guess that with 25 GB available, we really don't need more space.

* Is it practially possible for us to do this? Does anyone have physical

That is the grit of it... I have physical access if I want. Just have to make an appointment with trolltech. I havent seen the box since before they changed offices.

Do you have the time/energy/willingness to do this? If the answer is yes, within what time frame?

Best regards (and nice to hear from you again!)

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44               http://www.md.kth.se/~chr

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