
the following patch together with additional files in tar.gz archive add
Print and InsertUrl dialogs to Gnome frontend.

The dialogs were implemented using Glade and its C output. I've tried to
use glade-- to produce C++ output , but the result was far from complete
since glade-- doesn't cover Gnome very well and produces the code for
older version of Gtk--. So, I decided to use clear and fully functional C
interface instead of incomplete C++ one.

The patch includes changes in configure script to check for Gnome
installation (the check is before AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS); some small cleanup
in config/lyxinclude.m4 (frontend help message); and enhancement of the
performance of Gnome menus.

To compile this patch you need to copy all unimplemented dialogs in Gnome
frontend from Xforms frontend (or set up corresponding symbolic links).




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