Richard Heck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> It was recently suggested on the user's list that we should have
> separate combo boxes in the toolbar for different sorts of layouts.
> I'm not sure that quite works, but I can imagine some sort of solution
> where we have e.g. all of the theorem layouts in one box, and other
> things in a different box. 

I do not see why this makes sense, since the setting of these
different comboxes will be incompatible. If we have categories, and
maybe a hierarchical menu instead of a combox, the same problem is solved.

> And I can remember thinking, or talking, about other bugs and saying
> something like, "We can't do this because LyX doesn't always know
> whether something is a sectioning command." 

We actually need to collapse things like Section and Section* in a
generic way.

> So there seems to me some argument for having some pre-defined
> categories with special meaning to LyX. We can of course still do
> that with a string argument. But then, still, we need to know what
> categories to use.

I still think that the category should be just for the GUI. For
example, sections can be recognized because they have a non-default


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