Why doesn't lyx-devel accept this message?  I'm getting lyx-devel
messages, but efforts to post this get no response.
I am sorry if you are getting this a third time.  Please yell if you
are, at least I would know i exist. I tried to send this into
lyx-devel 3 days ago right after I subscribed, but it never showed up
in my inbox.

There's an old bug


and last week I unknowingly created a new bug on the same lines here:


The problem is that one cannot write a Noweb book in parts that are
included in a main book file because child documents do not get

If we don't find a work around, I think you should seriouly consider
removing Book (Noweb) from the document styles.

My idea is to work around this by treating the noweb lyx file as
External Material.  I'm trying to write the external template, but I
don't understand the format of it. I have been hoping that, as soon as
I can make the question specific enough, then one of you will say "ah,
that's easy, do this..."  So here's from ~/.lyx/external_template,
where I'm trying to use the XFig example to handle the lyx noweb
document.  What do I put in that will cause LyX to notice the lyx file
is supposed to be gobbled up as Noweb, dumped out to LaTeX, processed
by the Converter from the LyX config.

Template LyxSweave
      GuiName "LyxSweave: $$AbsOrRelPathParent$$Basename"
              A Lyx Doc with Sweave.
      InputFormat literate
      FileFilter "*.lyx"
      AutomaticProduction true
##      Transform Rotate
##      Transform Resize
      Format LaTeX
              TransformCommand Rotate RotationLatexCommand
              TransformCommand Resize ResizeLatexCommand
      ##      UpdateFormat pstex
      ##      UpdateResult "$$AbsPath$$Basename.pstex_t"
      ##      Requirement "color"
      ##      Requirement "graphicx"
              # Preamble WarnNotFound
              # Preamble InputOrWarn
##              ReferencedFile latex "$$AbsOrRelPathMaster$$Basename.pstex_t"
      ##      ReferencedFile latex "$$AbsPath$$Basename.eps"
              ##ReferencedFile dvi   "$$AbsPath$$Basename.eps"
      Format PDFLaTeX
              TransformCommand Rotate RotationLatexCommand
              TransformCommand Resize ResizeLatexCommand
              UpdateFormat pdftex
              UpdateResult "$$AbsPath$$Basename.tex"
              Requirement "color"
              Requirement "graphicx"
              # Preamble WarnNotFound
              # Preamble InputOrWarn
 ##      ReferencedFile pdflatex "$$AbsOrRelPathMaster$$Basename.pdftex_t"
              ##ReferencedFile pdflatex "$$AbsPath$$Basename.pdf"
      Format Ascii
              Product "$$Contents(\"$$AbsPath$$Basename.asc\")"
              UpdateFormat asciixfig
      ##      UpdateResult "$$AbsPath$$Basename.asc"
      Format DocBook
              Product "<graphic
              UpdateFormat eps
              UpdateResult "$$AbsPath$$Basename.eps"
      ##      ReferencedFile docbook     "$$AbsPath$$Basename.eps"
      ##      ReferencedFile docbook-xml "$$AbsPath$$Basename.eps"

Paul E. Johnson
Professor, Political Science
1541 Lilac Lane, Room 504
University of Kansas

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