
before porting these dialogs to gnome frontend I would like to ask the
following questions:

FormCitation: I think that there is an important functionality missing in
this dialog. Namely, I really miss "Search" and bibtex parser. In my work,
I use bibtex database which has more than 1000 entries, each key is very
lengthy containing author names, journal name, pages, year, ... So, when
the current implementation of FormCitation is fired up, I see huge amount
of keys (unsorted!) with almost no hope to find the right one :(. Thus, it
will be nice to have at least a possibility to search the references. To
make looking up of the references a little bit more fun, I would like to
have a columned list with author names, title, year in the separated
columns. This means that I have to parse the contents of the
blist[i].second field. How should I implement it? Do we have bibtex parser
within LyX? What should I expect to find in this field?

FormTabular: It looks like the functionality of this dialog box is
duplicated (partly) by Edit/Table menu. What is an expected evaluation of
this dialog? Will it be just used for borders or we will have two way
to add/remove columns ... ? Or maybe we will have a special toolbar for

Finally, how can I fire up FormGraphics? Menu?


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