On Mon, Jun 02, 2008 at 10:45:47PM +0200, Konrad Hofbauer wrote:

> Should the UserGuide compile in beta2?
> I just built on Mac and get a Latex error:
> > ! Undefined control sequence.
> > l.4078 ...ecause $sin$ does normally mean $s\cdoti
> >                                                   \cdotn$.
> > The control sequence at the end of the top line
> > of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
> > ...

This is due to the fact that in the user guide the symbol '·' is used
rather than the macro \cdot, and there was a bug in the recent support
for unicode symbols in math. Now '·' gets translated to \cdot and the
bug was that no space was appended after the macro.

This is now fixed. A workaround for beta2 is editing the unicodesymbols
file and changing "\\cdot" to "\\cdot " (append a trailing space).
The are two other symbols with code less than 256 that are affected,
namely "\\times" and "\\div". Find them in the unicodesymbols file
and append a space there, too.

Sorry for this inconvenience.


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