hawk wrote:
> This has been fermenting between the ears for some time now, and only
> picked up concrete form the other day.
> I want to have a type of text tjat can be excluded in a "save as"
> operation.  Alternatively, there could be an abridged export to lyx
> operation.
> Text marked in this way would act as normal text unless excluded in
> such an operation.  This is similar to what the "slides only" and
> "notes only" in the slides class are supposed to do (has anyone gotten
> either of those to work, for that matter?)
> My specific use would be having a single file containing both the test
> (or homework) and the key.  I could then distribute  the  exported file
> while holding back the answers, yet keep the questions in the key and
> the test fully in sync (not that *I* have ever ended up with different
> versions :).  My initial approach was to to define an "answer" style
> that could be made to go away with a switch.  This leave the problem,
> though, of not being able to distribute the lyx  or latex files, which
> I usually do on a web page.
> The idea isn't fully developed, and I'm not yet certain that I can't
> solve it with just a document class. It would, however, be very useful.
>  But before I set about it, I want to make sure I'm not reinventing the
> wheel . . .

I've chosen your initial approach.  Another nice thing, though, would be
to have three levels: assignment/quiz, with solutions added, or with
solutions -and- notes to markers added.  To protect my markers from
student flack, I don't distribute the marking guide to students.  But I
distribute in PDF format online, so I can live with the easy solution.

Let me know if anything interesting comes of it.


Carl Ollivier-Gooch                                      
Department of Mechanical Engineering                Voice:
University of British Columbia                      Fax:  
2324 Main Mall                           URL:
Vancouver, BC  V6T 1Z4 Canada

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