On Wed, 13 Sep 2000, Matthieu Amiguet wrote:

> Hello!

Hello,  Matthieu.

First a tip:  Don't post multi-megabyte files to any mailing list put the
file on a web or ftp server and provide a link.

Second tip: All LyX files are ascii, so even if LyX doesn't start you can
still read the file using 'more' or 'less'.

> I'm using Lyx under LinuxPPC, kernel 2.2.17pre13-ben1 on an iMac DV. I
> was using the Xpmac X server and everything was going fine (by the way,
> I think I couldn't live without lyx now...)
> Today, I changed my X server to XFree 4.0. Everything seems to be fine,
> excepted that lyx doesn't start any more...
> That bothers me very much, because I use Linux mainly because of lyx...
> When I run Lyx from the console, I get
> > lyx: SIGSEGV signal caught
> > Sorry, you have found a bug in LyX. If possible, please read 'Known bugs'
> > under the Help menu and then send us a full bug report. Thanks!
> > Bye.
> > Aborted (core dumped)    

If you have gdb installed you can do some helpful stuff for us that means
you don't need to send core files -- we don't really want these
anyway (my mailbox quota was competely overblown).  Do this:

gdb lyx | tee lyx-dump.txt

once gdb starts you'll get a prompt:

at the prompt type:

(gdb): run

when lyx crashes type

(gdb): bt

then type:

(gdb): up

a few times till you get to LyX code. You'll know you are there when you
start seeing lines of code printed after the prompt.

(gdb): info locals
(gdb): up

repeat these steps a couple of times. Then type:

(gdb): quit

Send us the lyx-dump.txt file.

Allan. (ARRae)

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