On 15 Sep 2000, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

> >>>>> "Marko" == Marko Vendelin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Marko> On contrary, when you try to add
> Marko> new citation to the citation list in LyX, (1) you have to
> Marko> trigger somehow the citation box (I know only how to do it with
> Marko> mouse), 
> The corresponding shortcut is then shown in the minibuffer.

Well. If I want to add new citation to already existing citation list, it
shows only "Opened inset" to me :(.

> Marko> (2) find a new dialog box in your screen and move there
> Marko> with your mouse, 
> As far as I know, all popups appear under the mouse cursor.

Is it a feature of XForms or LyX-XForms? Or I am missing something in


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