On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 01:03:38AM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> 1) The number of items is very big. Do we have any room to grow ? Oowriter
> interface is a clone of the old Word interface that was considered a
> 3) There is IMHO useless complexity, like the 7 different preview formats.
> If we just drop everything except pdf with a simple parser that would run
> aficionados)

> 4) Mathematics is a big elephant with a gigantic bottom crushing everybody.
> I don't have Mathematica, neither Maple, I don't write formulas in Fraktur.

> 5) There is some dead wood. Does Fax works anymore across platforms ?
> 6) The version control items are for geek. It should be done through macros
> and then every geek can choose its favorite version control system. 

All of these are true of any potential re-org. You want to remove some
menu items into optional LyX modules: great (old) idea, but doesn't need
a menu re-org. Please do this, it would be very cool.

> > - why a new structure would help
> The Web is full of articles investigating how people navigate in a tree. It
> shows that if the tree is balanced with not too many levels and items are
> structured in a logical way, people find the good item quicker.

I'll be very impressed if you can find a balanced menu layout that makes
sense logically, and is significantly better than the existing one :)

> > - the guiding principles behind the design of the new structure
> 1) Recreate a balanced tree by exploding the Insert menu
> 2) The Edit menu had become something very strange
> 3) Isolation of a Math menu starts the path towards Activity menus.   

I'd be interested to see what you're suggesting, though I believe it
should be incremental during the development period (done by release, of

Could you further explain point 2) ? Somewhere in the archives I have a
detailed explanation of why the Edit menu is the way it is.


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