rgheck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:

> This has now been committed. 

Just a name change proposal: command-alternatives -> command-try

> Next issue is the bindings. There ought to 
> be other places we can use this, too, no?

1. a find-next binding that recalls the last search from the find dialogue
   without re-openign it -- falling back to dialog-show findreplace.

2. I would like some alternative binding for mathed: 

   * all of \ { [ ] } ~ are hard-to-get (with AltGr+something) on my German
   * OTOH, the ä, ö, ü, and ß keys are rarely (or not at all) used in math.
   However, these keys self-insert, so they do not "fail" and the current
   alternatives version does not work in this case :-(

Therefore, IMO there is also need for some context-specific bind syntax,
e.g. one of

* \bind "key" "command-math mathfun; fun"   

* \bind       "key" "fun"
  \bind-math  "key" "mathfun"

* \bind "key" "fun"
  \bind "key" "mathfun" "math"

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