Enrico Forestieri wrote:
On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 07:51:41AM -0400, rgheck wrote:

Can someone who knows about InsetMathNest review the patch Vincent attached to this bug? It looks like it's probably correct, but I don't know about this stuff.

Me neither, but looking at cs22930 this seems to be an oversight
by Dov. Indeed, I don't think that he meant replacing



cmd = FuncRequest(finish_lfun);

where finish_lfun is either LFUN_FINISHED_RIGHT or LFUN_FINISHED_LEFT.
So, I think that the patch does the right thing.

No, I don't think it was an oversight, Vincent's patch breaks visual cursor movements in math.

There may still be a bug in my original code, though, I'm looking this over now with respect to 5061. I'll let you know when I have something...


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