>>Other entries?
> The "Export as ZIP" feature. I'll try to come up with a prototype asap.
> Vincent

Is this the final consensus of the embedding/zip/folder/whatever
feature of lyx? I have been forced to use MS Word more and more
because of increased collaboration activities. It becomes clear to me
that lyx/latex is still too complex for most people and is not
suitable for collaboration. For example,

1. Figures are not part of a document which makes a lyx document
difficult to 'maintain'. This means extra work to keep track of
external files (cannot compile if a file is missing), difficulty in
sharing with others (zip to email?). This also means that you can not
safely view/edit/compile/save a lyx file from an email attachment
which we do everyday to any other documents. Of course, if you have a
zip file, one has to save, unzip and open, not mentioning that some
mail clients (such as gmail) does not allow send/receive zip files for
security reasons.

2. There is no guarantee that a lyx file can compile on another
machine. I can immediately think of reasons such as missing external
file, incomplete local latex installation (missing a style file), and
use of absolute path in file inclusion. This is less important because
my collaborators do not have to compile the document.

Being away from the lyx community for quite some time, I am not sure
if any of these problems is being addressed, but an 'export as zip'
feature is certainly not enough. If I am going to re-design an
embedding feature now (very unlikely :-), I would make
self-contentment and portability the top priorities and I hope that
any new lyx format would try to accommodate these.


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