On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 1:25 AM, Dov Feldstern <d...@lyx.org> wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 1:22 AM, rgheck <rgh...@bobjweil.com> wrote:
>> On 03/18/2010 07:01 PM, Dov Feldstern wrote:
>>> So, in order to figure this out, I added the debug prints mentioned
>>> above, and then I noticed that only when we're at the end of a word,
>>> but not anywhere else, then a line is printed every time the cursor
>>> blinks --- whether or not the cursor is on the screen.
>> I've seen this, too. Surely it would make sense to disable the cursor
>> blinking when the little guy is off screen, right? Perhaps that is the real
>> bug. But still, I think my patch makes sense. I see TONS of metrics being
>> calculated when I move the mouse, which is very weird---the point being that
>> we can't be quite sure when isRTLBoundary might be called. So we should make
>> sure we have metrics, like we make sure we have a non-null pointer.
>> I think the issue here, in a way, is that
>>    par_metrics_[pit]
>> has a nasty side effect. Maps can be dangerous.
>>> In other words: something is causing isRTLBoundary to be called every time
>>> the
>>> cursor blinks when it is at the end of the word, even if it is off the
>>> screen, and the first time that that happens, there are no metrics!
>> As Vincent notes, the "end of the word" thing is due to something in
>> getFont().
>> So I'd suggest we do two things: (i) commit the check for metrics, which
>> makes sense anyway; and (ii) disable the cursor blinking when the cursor is
>> off-screen, which also makes sense anyway.
> Sounds good to me... I just want to double check that your change
> doesn't adversely affect the test-case for which that code was
> originally added --- I'll get back to you on that in a few minutes...
>> rh

hmpph, it's broken both with and without your changes, and even
without getting RTL involved:

abc\n <- soft line break

if you are after the 'd', it takes 4 presses of Left to get to before
the 'c', but only 3 presses of Right to then get back to the same
position, because of the boundary...

But anyhow, yeah, the patch seems fine. However, it may be worth
revisiting http://www.lyx.org/trac/ticket/5061 (though the behavior I
describe as problematic is not exactly that described in the bug, I

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