On Sep 18, 2010, at 6:33 PM, BH wrote:
> That's it. Nice job with the clear documentation ... and nice work on
> LyX/Mac quite generally. It's coming along great!

Hi Bennett,
I agree the INSTALL.MacOSX is now much more comprehensive and useful!
I had to make some adjustments though, because I compiled on a machine where I 
use fink instead of MacPorts (our newest Mac uses MacPorts, but I'm not 
compiling LyX on that one... just to make life more interesting). 
So in my case, here is a summary of the steps, assuming you have autoconf, 
gettext and pkgconfig from fink:

Compile qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.6.3 (universal without Tiger) as in step 
1 of INSTALL.MacOSX. The download location for the source is 
ftp://ftp.qt.nokia.com/qt/source/ (which may be a little hard to find if you're 
following the link given in INSTALL.MacOSX)

Then to build LyX from SVN, download the source using 
svn co svn://svn.lyx.org/lyx/lyx-devel/trunk lyx-devel

Set I the following flags (assuming bash syntax): 
export CFLAGS="-arch i386"
export CXXFLAGS="-arch i386"
export OBJCFLAGS="-arch i386"
export LDFLAGS="-framework Carbon -framework AppKit -arch i386" 
This differs from INSTALL.MacOSX because my version of pkgconfig wasn't clever 
enough to detect the framework dependencies automatically.

Next, in the lyx-devel directory, I did:
./configure --with-version-suffix=-2.0 --disable-stdlib-debug 
--prefix=PATH/TO/LyX.app --with-qt4-dir=/path/to/QT4 --with-libiconv-prefix=/usr
make install-strip

The libiconv prefix needed to be specified on the configure line to avoid 
loading an older version of that library installed by fink. 

That's how things worked for me.


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