Am 14.10.2010 um 22:43 schrieb Pavel Sanda:

> Stephan Witt wrote:
>>> Yes, I do it when working on the backport of my changes.
>> I have a general question about the VCBackend code.
>> The CVS and SVN classes have a file_ member variable.
>> Am I right that this is the reference to the owner_ file?
>> Most of the time the file of the owner_ is used and sometimes
>> it's file_... Is it useful to have both of them?
>> What should be preferred if it is useful?
> owner_ is buffer - something opened in lyx; file_ is just filename
> which exist independently whether the file is opened, closed, reloaded
> whatsoever...

The owner_ variable "points" to the buffer, of course. 
Most of the time VC implementation uses the filename of the buffer.
But I cannot see what sense the file_ variable of the VC instance has.
One can drop it - or use it consequently - I'd say.
> i would need to dig into the code if you want some
> specific info.

If possible... that would be nice.


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