Il 29/04/2011 05:02, Richard Heck ha scritto:
There's an even better solution: Copy current lyx2lyx from trunk. So let me ask this question: Is there any real reason not to backport lyx2lyx to branch as it changes?

Well, trunk is affected by that problem as well: create the simplest LyX document with one character, hand-modify the lyxformat number increasing it by 1, and try to load it back into LyX.

I don't know whether lyx2lyx is designed to solely upgrade the file format, or also to downgrade it, because in the former case it wouldn't help. Also, when interacting with trunk, release-candidate, or just released new versions, and the colleague has an older 1.6.x version, then the only chance to interact is by exporting to LaTeX and importing it back.


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