Dear Developers,

I've been working on modifying the XHTML created by LyX to be more compliant 
with HTML5. In the process, though, I've run into a couple of snags, 
particularly with wrap floats and figure labels.

In way of experimentation, I would like to use the <figure> tag for figures and 
tables and the <figcaption> tag for figure captions. However, I'm not able to 
get LyX to respect the HTMLTag argument I'm providing. 

It should looks like this:

<figure class='wrap'>

Instead, it still uses the default:

<div class='wrap'>

Any idea on what I might be doing wrong? Here are the layout commands I'm using:

InsetLayout Wrap
        HTMLTag                         figure
        HTMLAttr                                class='wrap'
        HTMLInnerTag                    p
        HTMLInnerAttr                   class='figure-text'
                .wrap {
                        float: right;
                        page-break-inside: avoid;
                        padding: 1ex;
                        margin: 1ex;

There is a similar story for figcaption:

InsetLayout Caption
        HTMLTag                         figcaption
        HTMLInnerTag                    p
        HTMLInnerAttr                   class='figure-text'
                figcaption {
                        page-break-before: avoid;

It ignores the HTMLTag I'm feeding it and defaults to <div>.

Strangely, though, it uses the HTMLInnerTag that I specify. Any thoughts would 
be greatly appreciated.



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