On 14/03/2012 4:37 PM, André Pönitz wrote:
On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 09:05:17PM -0400, Julien Rioux wrote:
On 13/03/2012 8:13 PM, Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:
But why?

This is the perfect case for a separate repo.


| Assuming that the pristinity of the lyx repo as a whole is so
| important that we cannot allow trusted developers to create branches,
| then maybe such branches can be allowed in the lyx-staging repo? Can
| we have branches in this one, please?

That would be better, but I do not understand why you couldn't have this
in your own repo.

And I don't understand why we couldn't have branches in our repo.
I want it simple, and I want it centralized. It's nice to allow
private new repos to developers, thank you for that, but it seems
overkill to require their use.

Additional repos are really easy to handle with git remotes.
I'd even argue you won't really notice it.

Distribution of source code by dvd sent by mail is also really easy.

Look, it's not that hard but is additional maintenance burden to keep stuff in sync, and one is much more likely to do something stupid with merging commits or messing up any other way. I find branches simpler than remotes. I also do like having things centralized.

I honestly cannot be bothered at the moment to setup remote
repositories to fetch someone else's latest feature branch, let alone
setup my own copy of the repo on the server.

You are ready to write a 20-line-mail because you can't be bothered
to write a single 'git remote add<name>  git://...' line when you
need it? This does not make much sense to me.

Those are completely different. Since I got asked, it's polite to spent the time to answer. I also value the input of different opinions and voicing mine. Finally we're talking about a one-off discussion establishing a long term workflow for LyX coding which I do on a regular free-time permitting basis.

When I code with LyX, I test my own features thoroughly most of the time, but I rarely do it for others work. I like testing new stuff, but I will test run it most likely only when it comes into the main repo. More time spent on version control tasks spreads my coding time thinner. That's the bottom line personally.

I'm looking for a central place to have access and contribute to the
latest LyX development. (I'm also looking for a tool that is stupid
easy to use.) I hope that if it's not lyx.git, then please let
lyx-staging.git be this central place. Then it would be the main LyX
repo in my mind.

Anyway, that's just me. I'm curious to hear what others have to say.

There is no need to clutter The LyX Sources with work-in-progress
branches and lots of needless merges. It's not only ugly, but also
impacts stuff like 'git bisect'. Some things are simply better kept

No cluttering, no littering. Did I even mention merges? We need to agree on when, why and how to use branches, as said. Still don't see why not allow branches and require everyone to fork.

You want to keep it simple. Using git remotes _is_ simple.

Then it's great for you.



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